welcome toEyes of San Antonio

Welcome To Eyes of San Antonio

Your vision health is our top priority, and we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for every patient. Our mission is to help you see the world with clarity and confidence.

Schedule your appointment today, and let us take care of your eyes as you embark on a journey to a brighter, clearer future.

featured services what we offer

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are a vital aspect of preventive eye care. Without routine eye exams, vision issues often go undetected since most eye disorders don't have clear symptoms.

​​​​​​​Dry Eye Treatment

While dry eye isn’t a serious condition, it can have a major impact on your quality of life. You may find your eyes get tired faster or you have difficulty reading. Not to mention the discomfort of a burning sensation or blurry vision. 

Diabetic Related Eye Exams

You have almost certainly heard of diabetes, which is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the United States with an estimated 100 million adults currently living with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Contact Lens Exams

If you’ve never worn contact lenses before, it can seem a bit intimidating. After all, you’re inserting something into your eye! Let’s ease your mind about the first step – your contact lens exam. This post will walk you through what’s involved in a contact lens.

Eye Emergencies

Eye emergencies cover a range of incidents and conditions such as; trauma, cuts, scratches, foreign objects in the eye, burns, chemical exposure, photic retinopathy, and blunt injuries to the eye or eyelid.


If you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, you’re probably already familiar with the typical options in glaucoma treatment – eye drops, laser treatment or traditional surgery. 


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